VFCD Graphic Design Contest 2021: Key Visual & Creative Merchandise
Art Direction: Han Ngo, Tran Quang Tri
Copywriter: Tran Quang Tri
Graphic design: Han Ngo
Motion graphic: Han Ngo
3D artist: Han Ngo


Creative Future: How the cultural and creative industries enhance the social and economic development of Vietnam and promote the smart development of Vietnam’s major cities.

The 2021 Vietnam Festival of Creativity & Design (VFCD) is an opportunity for creative organizations, and individuals to come together to collaborate and embrace unique talents and contributions to Vietnam's creative culture, following the successes of the 2020 VFCD, which inspires and offers inspiration and diverse creative experiences. This year's theme Creative Future highlights cultural and creative industries' achievements, to produce constructive economic and social change while fostering progress in Vietnam's large cities’ smart development.


The lettering system is meant to bring a nice and responsive feeling by employing Flat Sans Serif, in an effort to disseminate the current, intelligent metropolitan atmosphere. In this system, in addition, common features of the road system such as road markings and lighting are represented by fundamental geometric forms such as rectangles and ovals with some remodeling.

Improvised and organized breathtakingly and intriguingly on the Gene Z environment - the generation that has the most significant effect in society and the greatest contribution in influencing future growth